We’re so sure your son or daughter will have a TOTAL BLAST at our summer camp that we’ll give you a full, no-hassle refund if your child returns home as anything less than a happy camper!
The #1 reason campers love Camp Spalding! We select over 40 college-age or recent college grads to be part of our summer camp team – but that is typically far fewer than the number of the young adults that contact us for a job. Applicants are carefully screened (application, interview, references, background checks…) for their commitment to Christ, experience, maturity and desire to work with children and youth (and they’ve got to be FUN!). These young men and women lead our many program activity areas with skill, experience and enthusiasm, and also serve as engaging, effective cabin counselors for several weeks each summer. Counselors and counselor assistants for our elementary-aged camps also include older high school students from our Leadership Camp program. These students complete a thorough application, have a youth leader and a teacher submit a reference form and, finally, a handful are selected for counseling assignments based on our observations during Leadership Camp during the first week of our summer season.
You can find camps that cost less. But like most purchases, you pay for what you get. At Camp Spalding, you’re choosing a camp for your child with…
We talk about Him, we seek to love each other in His name, and we hope campers will consider what a life lived with Jesus looks like. During daily campfires (singing and brief message) and cabin discussions, we’ll look at some of life’s big questions, and how the words and life of Jesus are relevant to the world of your son or daughter. There is no setting like camp to experience God’s loving presence and to freely consider Jesus’ call to “Come, follow me” to a life of hope, love, purpose and adventure.
Camp Spalding takes the health and safety of your child seriously. A health supervisor is on duty at all times, and medical help is just minutes away. Our waterfront activities are supervised by five, Red Cross-certified lifeguards. Our rock climbing and ropes course instructors receive extensive training, as well.
Our commitment to be the Spokane area’s premier summer camp shines through in all that we do – unbeatably fun, creative program…modern facilities that reflect our wooded, lakeside setting…unsurpassed food service…competitively-selected summer staff…spectacular natural setting…huge variety of high-quality activity options and much more. We would love to have your son or daughter join us this summer! We’re confident that through our words and actions, your child will know “I belong here!”