
Discovery Camp

About the camp

With an action-packed schedule, Discovery Camp is sure to be a highlight of your son or daughter’s summer! Pedal boats and canoes, hilarious team games, fun crafts, swimming, the archery range, exploring the woods…it’s a fun-filled, introductory camping experience. Brief campfire messages and cabin times focus on God’s amazing love for us, and how we can trust the One who knows us best.

A limited number of Discovery campers may register to visit the horse corrals one time for 90 minutes during their stay at camp. They will groom a horse, ride in the arena (wrangler walking alongside and guiding the horse), while learning about horse safety. We incorporate fun games (e.g. painting different parts of the horse) into their time up at the corral. Lots of fun for all campers and a wonderful way to interact with horses in a safe environment!

Entering 2-4

Find Your Perfect Summer Camp at Camp Spalding